Lower Carbon Footprint - Reduce Gas Guzzling
We Can Make a Difference!
How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint by Reducing Gas Guzzling
Cut back on Gas Guzzling - transportation is the largest source of carbon emissions in the U.S., accounting for about 28 percent of all GHG emissions.
Cars alone account for about half of the carbon footprint of a typical two-vehicle American family. Here’s the kicker: transportation’s carbon footprint is so outsized not just because we drive a lot, but because Americans have been buying larger vehicles (which use more gas per mile) and flying more.
Ask, “Is this necessary?” Are there other options?
Can that business meeting happen over Zoom?
Maybe you can carpool or opt for public transit sometimes.
Can you walk or bike instead of driving?
What steps can you take this month to lower the amount of gas you use?
I would like to do my part in lowering my carbon footprint. Today I have to go to the bank, I’ve made the decision if my destination is less than a mile I will walk. Now, I live in Minnesota and there are times there is a bitter wind so I won’t walk on those days. Thankfully, it doesn’t happen often.
In addition to lowering my carbon footprint, I am getting some exercise and it helps me achieve walking 10,000 steps a day. It’s a double win!