Reduce Trash & Carbon Footprint in the Kitchen
Anything we use in our homes has to be produced, which takes water & energy. It has to be shipped, which also raises our carbon footprint. All of these contribute to greenhouse gases. We can make a difference in lowering our carbon footprint by making different choices in our homes.
In the kitchen we create a lot of trash by:
• Choosing convenience over durability.
• Buying one time use products then discarded.
• Not considering packaging when purchasing. It is most often not recycled nor biodegradable.
How to become environmentally smarter in our kitchens?
• Choose glass over plastic.
• Five finger guide for plastic recycling.
• Commit to a trash free lunch.
Choose products in glass over plastic
How to become environmentally smarter in our kitchens?
• Choose glass over plastic.
• Five finger guide for plastic recycling.
• Commit to a trash free lunch.
Here is a good graphic to know what packaging is recyclable:
When you have a choice choose glass. Glass is forever recyclable. The plastic is made from petroleum products, is only minimally recyclable and could take hundreds of years to degrade.
Choose foods that are closer to Mother Earth. Processed foods
• 18 gal. of water to produce a single apple.
• 60 gal of water to produce one cup of apple juice.
The longer the list of ingredients means a heavy processed food and the larger the carbon footprint. For example one store bought pizza had 32 ingredients in the crust. You can save money, control what is in your food & reduce your carbon footprint by making your own.
A price is paid for convenience foods. Moving away from processed foods is a great step in reducing both your water and carbon footprint.
Other ways to save on packaging:
· Switch to non - liquid soaps.
- Shampoos and detergents have added enormous amounts of plastic waste to the environment.
- Look for bar soap for hand washing.
• Get rid of sponges, use washable dish rags.
• Cover all food in refrigerator. Defroster will remove moisture and make it work harder.
• Carry a trash free lunch.
• Microwave vs. oven. Microwave can reduce energy use by 80%.
• Buy foods locally and in season
We can make a difference! Take Action in your own Home. Make a list of food items you will commit to only buy in non – plastic such as mustard, mayonnaise, salad dressings, alcohol, jams etc.
Write up your list now. If we all do this we can reduce trash & our carbon footprint!