Take the Pledge to do 1 Thing.
Is there a better way to have your coffee? Read on.
Unless, you are consciously thinking about it, it is easy to use single- use items because they are convenient. This “throw-away” lifestyle creates tons of waste that we use for just a few minutes.
Did you know that the average life of a “to-go” paper coffee cup, with the lid, the sleeve, the stir stick and even the tray is just 12 minutes!
According to Rethink Disposable, American consumers use 130 billion paper cups per year for coffee. This disposable coffee- cup habit uses 27 billion gallons of water, consumes 25 million trees, and generates 31 billion pounds of CO2.
Consider, making a to-go cup of coffee at home. It is far cheaper and much better for our planet.
Now, take 2 minutes to stop and think about all the ways that you use single use items, and pick 1 thing to change. That’s it, just 1 thing! Don’t take the straw, use a sponge or dark wash cloth instead of a paper towel, tell them no silverware when you get take-out food. It’s ok to start small.
Once you figure it out, take Rethink Disposable’s pledge to reduce your reliance on single-use disposable products and packaging. Take the pledge here!
What single-use item will you eliminate this month?
Share with friends! We are all in this together.