Make Your Own Flavored Waters for Less than 10₵!
Play with adding a few pure, culinary grade essential oils to your water.
Quality maters however when it comes to essential oils!
Flavored waters are expensive and often include junkie ingredients. Plus, they come in plastic bottles that have hormone disrupting chemicals in them so are bad for you and the environment. You can make your own flavored waters for less than 10₵ a glass!
Just use pure, authentic therapeutic grade citrus essential oils that meet FDA guidelines for culinary and internal use. Young Living’s Vitality line meet this criteria. Just add 1-2 drops of the Citrus Vitality Oils to the bottom of a glass and add the water to disperse the oil. Voila! You are done.
Remember, less is more. You only need 1-2 drops per glass of water. Use stainless steel or glass water bottles with the citrus oils for on-the-go refreshment. I like Lemon, Lime, Tangerine, Orange, and Jade Lemon Vitality Oils to flavor my water. Citrus Fresh Vitality is a nice combination of the oils that I particularly like. Every morning, it is a good habit to get up in the morning and drink 2 glasses of Lemon Vitality water. All the citrus oils support your immune system, help make your body more alkaline and are high in D-limonene, which has great health benefits.
Health Note: Drinking water flavored with lemon oil is better than drinking water with lemon slices daily. Research in the last few years has shown the acid in lemon slices break down the enamel of your teeth. You can the benefits of lemons without the risk to your teeth with lemon essential oil.
When it comes to using essential oils for culinary purposes or internal use, quality matters. This is why we only recommend Young Living Vitality essential oils. Click here to find out why quality matters.
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