How to Save 40,000 Lives
Can we be as caring and as tough as our parents and grandparents?
During WWII not only did Americans have to worry about husbands and fathers dying but automobiles, tires, gas, fuel oil, coal, firewood, nylon, silk and shoes were rationed. Americans were given ration cards and stamps to take their meager share of household goods including meat, dairy, coffee, lard, dried fruit, and oils. Americans pulled together and thought it was how they could contribute the war effort and help their soldiers. There is a reason why they were called the greatest generation. They cared and had a strong sense of duty.
During the COVID pandemic we’ve been asked to quarantine for a few months and now, when around people, to socially distance by 6-8 feet, wash our hands and wear a mask. This is it. Not even close to what our parents and grandparents had to do in WWII. They didn’t even have television or social media to keep themselves entertained and connected.
In the beginning of the corona virus, government and health care officials did not emphasize wearing masks. Why? It was because they weren’t certain if they would help because they didn’t have research on it. However, the real reason was they didn’t have enough masks for our health care workers so they didn’t want the public to buy them and not be able to get them to the health care workers. Some people are getting really angry and refusing to do these few things we are asked to do during this pandemic. If you are going to get angry about something, get angry about why we weren’t prepared for this pandemic. Emergency plans for pandemics were in place. This is an example of penny wise and pound foolish. Instead of having supplies in place necessary for a pandemic emergency, we didn’t spend the money on them. Now, it is costing our country a lot more money than being prepared. Let’s learn from this.
Current research shows that if 80% of Americans would wear masks in public, we will save 40,000 people from dying from COVID-19. Looking at countries and cities data where masks were mandated, you see they have much lower cases of COVID. In the beginning of recommending masks, health officials thought you wear them to protect others. Now research shows they have some beneficial effects for protecting you. Yes, they can be a little uncomfortable but I am willing to be a little uncomfortable for the short time I wear them because it is my contribution to saving 40,000 lives. More than 600 nurses have died caring for people with COVID. Doctors have died. I am going to do my part to stay healthy and help others stay healthy so our health care workers, who are risking their lives to care for the sick, are not burdened even more. They are our soldiers during this pandemic.
Even if this is not enough reason for you to wear a mask, wouldn’t you like to keep our businesses open? If businesses and customers are responsible, we can avoid an outbreak. If we don’t do our part in helping prevent the spread, another outbreak will force us to close businesses again. I am all for supporting our businesses.
What has happened to Americans since WWII that they think their personal rights & needs are more important than people dying? When did we become so selfish and entitled? I have heard people complain that they can’t be muzzled like a mad dog, that it is against their personal rights to wear a mask. In a letter to the editor in one local paper a woman said in God fearing countries people respect religious freedom and she thought the mask mandates were evil. She should have the right to consciously object to masks. Really? I don’t know what church she goes to but here is what I’ve been taught:
Philippians 2:4
"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
How about the commandment love your neighbor as yourself? It doesn’t say your personal discomfort or rights are more important than the health of the community or to not care enough to save 40,000 lives. Even if you don’t go to church the Golden Rule is a good value to live by. Frankly, COVID virus doesn’t care what your religious or political views are. It can attack anyone.
People would be wise to look at current research from reputable resources such as John Hopkins for information that is accurate. We know more now about COVID than 4 months ago. Social Media is not a good source. You will not get dizzy and faint from a mask. Your O2 levels don’t get to dangerous levels. Brain surgeons, who could be wearing a mask for 12 hours, don’t faint, neither will you. They have tested hospital workers O2 levels after hours of wearing masks and they are fine. Use credible resources for your information. COVID is not like the flu. It is a different beast. You don’t get permanent lung damage, cardiovascular or organ problems from the flu. The elderly are not the only ones who get it. Look at the trends. Now, younger and younger people are getting it. A 1-year old has died in the last few weeks. I know a 31 year old with no underlying conditions who died from it and a 16 year old who spent 3 weeks on a respirator. When researchers swabbed young people’s noses, who showed no symptoms, they found a huge viral load that was being spread every time they breathed and interacted with others.
I am choosing to wear a mask and socially distance when out in public without complaint. When I wear it I know I am contributing to saving 40,000 lives and help lessen the burden of our front lines, the health care workers. It is the least I can do. We too can be considered a great generation. We just have to pull together and care about one another. This is such a simple thing. We can do this.