Walk Your Way to Good Health!

Walking is accessible to anyone.  All you need is a good pair of walking shoes.  You can do it anywhere.  If it is too hot or too cold out you can walk inside a mall or skyway.  I suggest walking in nature whenever you can. 

Did you know walks in nature improves your memory and helps you concentrate better? 

Nature is beautiful & calming!


Benefits of Walking:

  • 2 benefits with 1 exercise – Walking is both aerobic and weight bearing.

  • As an aerobic exercise walking delivers more oxygen through the blood to tissues.  It strengthens your heart, lungs and circulatory systems by increasing heart and breathing rates.

  • As a weight- bearing exercise it strengthens your bones.

  • 30 minutes of walking a day can help prevent weight gain

  • Walking may reduce the likelihood of falls as people age and helps them maintain independence in daily activities. 

  • Exercise lowers stress and improves your immune system!

  • It will help you feel young and have a better quality of life!

Look at the difference below in walking 8000 steps vs 4000 steps!  It is worth your time to walk!!!

Exercise Improve Immune System.png

 If you haven’t been exercising, start your walking routine slowly, with a 5-10 minute walk each day at a speed that makes you breathe a little faster but you can still talk.  As it gets easier add 5-10 minutes a day.  Keep increasing your time as you get more fit.  Here are 3 walking programs of different levels to help you get out there and walk: